A Lot owners’ group formed in Townsville after the failure of the ACCC Northern Australian Insurance Inquiry report 2020 failed to solve the Strata Insurance market decade long debacle in NQ. The Townsville Lot Owners Group, TSV.LOG.20 actively collect from disgruntled lot owners their strata insurance tax invoices for analysis and compile as a large group data body of evidence of what is the true strata insured consumer pain is. We then share this data with the regulators to improve their understanding of the NQ Strata insurance market failings. The three root cause failures to date are (1) the ACCC used the wrong data, (2) The BCCM insurance regulations have failed and (3) the Rockhampton line was allowed to form by the insurance industry and not by government decree based on misinformation campaigns that NQ strata is of higher natural peril risk than the rest of Australia. In summary the NQ Strata insurance industry lot owners are regulated, and the NQ strata insurance suppliers are not regulated. There are no pricing controls. And to finish our final motivation for government intervention for fairness is “ Why do strata insurance prices keep increasing when there has been no change in risk in the last decade. ?, who is in actual control of the NQ strata insurance economy? Send us your Strata tax invoice if you are subject to Strata insurance pain. We will reply with “affordability” analysis of your strata insurance pricing abuse and who you should complain to and how.
Townsville Lot Owners Group has created a number of research/observation papers relevant to the discussion of Northern Australia Strata Insurance.
TSV.LOG Observation-1 Cyclone verses Hail.v1
TSV.LOG Observation-3 Northern Australia Insurance Supply 2019.v2
TSV.LOG Observation-15 How to Complain about Strata Insurance.v2
TSV.LOG Observation-7 Australia Strata Economics v1 (2)
TSV.LOG Observation-16 Australian Cyclone History-1
TSV.LOG Observation-17 Australian Cyclone History-2
TSV.LOG Observation-18 Australian Cyclone History-3
A33.5 Losses ICA Australia's Largest Insurance Disasters
Document-A TSV.LOG.20 North Qld Apartment Insurance Review Summary.v4
Document-B TSV.LOG.20 Townsville Apartments Owners Briefing.v8 (1)
Document-E TSV.LOG.20 Media Release.Final
Document-K Letter to the BCCM Commissioner - ARPC
Document Letter to the BCCM Commissioner - BCCM Act
Contact: Andrew Turnour tsv.log.20@gmail.com
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The Principals have an extensive background in boating along with many years marketing and general business experience. Our company has an excellent position in the market place due to our long-standing stability over the years. Cumberland Charter Yachts is Australian owner operated with our Vessel Manager (Terry Kemp) joining the company in 1985, the Managing Director (Charlie Preen) in 1998 and General Manager (Sharon McNally) joining in 2010. Plus our experienced staff have been working within this industry for many years.
Northern Australia Insurance Lobby provides a platform for groups to share their views, opinions and observations. The opinions expressed by these groups do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or observations of Northern Australia Insurance Lobby. We may not agree with all opinions expressed, but respect their right to use our site as a way to share their opinions.